Tosin BEE
Tosin BEE is a rare blend of simplicity, humility, dexterity, integrity all fused together makes the man – Tosin Bee. Born May 24th in Ilorin, Kwara State, he hails from Ogbomoso - Oyo state.His life is a testament to God’s goodness as He draws strength from theWord of God. Tosin's sonorous voice continues to captivate his listeningaudience, his unique style of gospel music largely infuses R n B, Hip - hop,Fuji, Jazz and Ewi (traditional Yoruba chant) injecting a breath of fresh air inthe Nigerian gospel scene.His songs and medleys have spread to the ends of the earth bringing the joyof the Gospel to the heart of his listeners.His vision is to become a catalyst of unadulterated worship and a positivepoint of reference in the Nigerian Gospel Music Industry.
Upcoming Events
RCCG Rose of Sharon
Sun, 23 Feb 02:30 PM
ALIVE is a worship conference with the sole purpose of gathering people of all races, ages, and backgrounds together to…